Sign Up for Payroll in 5 Minutes With 3 Easy Steps!

STEP 1: Information andDocument Gathering
a) Business Contact Information. We need the basic contact information for your business, such as an address, phone, etc.
b) Federal Tax ID Number and IRS Form. This is the number your business uses on all of your tax returns (also known as your EIN, FEIN, or Federal Employer Identification Number). We need a copy of the document the IRS provided to you when assigning the tax ID number for your business. Please scan it now and save the file in a convenient location. You will be uploading the file you just saved in the interview below. Please note that if you are a sole proprietor with no registered business entity, this is likely just your social security number.
c) Bank Account Information. We need your business bank account routing number and account number. This account will be used to process your payroll and pay your employees.
d) Copy of a Voided Check. Please obtain a check from the account you are using to process payroll and write the word "VOID" on it. Please scan it now and save the file in a convenient location. You will be uploading the file you just saved in the interview below.
e) Your Driver's License and Social Security Number. We need this information for tax purposes and to begin processing your payroll